Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Let Them Be Little...

Any other mommas have those days?
The ones where you look at your little one and just want start to cry...
It happens more often than not here. It's so easy to be overcome by the love I have for my son. The love of a new momma still feeling so surreal that she brought this little human into the world.
Everytime he smiles my heart just melts and I am overcome with love and pride that he is mine...
the first picture of his smile I was able to capture
Last night we upgraded Camden to Size 2 nipples on his bottles and he wore his first Size 2 diaper. Sheesh... can my 7 lb. baby boy really have doubled in weight already? I'm not ready for him to get big... and be mobile... and start talking in actual words... Because all of that means that he'll be that much closer to not being my baby boy anymore.
His cute little chubby legs around 6 weeks old...
Is it crazy I'm having these thoughts when he's only 3 months old? Lord help me...
I bought a book tonight I've had my eye on for awhile called "If I Could Keep You Little..."
I loved it and have already read it to Camden.
"If I could keep you little, I'd keep you close to me. But then I'd miss you growing into who you're meant to be!"
Looking adorable after his bath last night
On another note, I'm jumping in headfirst. I have so many ideas swimming around in my head and I can't wait to make them come to life. I'm overwhelmed and scared it won't go anywhere but right now I don't have anything to lose. It couldn't be more perfect timing for it. Big things are coming folks!

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