Tummy time with Daddy tonight
We did our stats at home this month since his next appointment isn't until 4 months. Hopefully they are close!
Weight: 14 lbs. (or more)- 46%
Height: 24.5"- 65.5%
Head Circumference: 42 centimeters- 90.3%
This little guy has one big head but that's ok because he's still the most adorable baby!
What's New
This month Camden has been talking so much more and becoming extremely animated. He yells for us instead of crying when he first wakes up or wants our attention. He has also started giggling alot in the last few days and likes to sit up rather than lay down. He has officially discovered his hands and likes to suck on them, very loudly! His drooling has increased dramatically and he is putting anything and everything in his mouth. He is also learning how to grip things and pulls his blanket, shirt, and washcloths up to his face. We've started doing more tummy time and he is able to hold his head up now but no rolling over! He loves to sit up and look around at everything. He seems to take in everything everywhere we go!
We have been using Enfamil Gentlease a little over a month and have been doing better with it. It seemed that Camden was less fussy when we switched to it and he is able to emit lots of gas. We continue to use Dr. Brown's bottles and are giving him around 4-5 oz. every 3-4 hours. He has started to cry and get upset as soon as he is done eating. He hasn't done that since he was eating 2 oz. and he had to move up to 3 oz. so we have started stocking up on 8 oz. bottles to make the official move to 5 oz.
We are so SO lucky that this child was born into our family! He is a wonderful sleeper and has been pretty much since birth. We are still working on establishing a routine but right now I'm still letting him call the shots. He usually naps 2-3 times a day but usually only has one longer nap between 1-2 hours. He goes to bed between 8-10 pm each night and usually doesn't wake up until between 5:30- 7 am. We very rarely have him wake us up before 5 and occasionally he will sleep until 8. After he wakes up in the morning he will usually go right back to sleep for another couple of hours and wake up for the day around 9 am. He fits perfectly into our family because neither of us are morning people and I (as everyone knows) love my sleep! He hasn't been waking us by crying much anymore, he usually sits in his monkey and coos or yells until we wake up. Sometimes he will wake up super early and all it takes is popping the pacifier back in and he is right back out.
His Favorites
Paci, sitting up, watching TV, being held while standing and moving, riding in the car, smiling, snuggling with mom and dad, bathtime
Car not moving, sitting in his car seat too long, tummy time, hiccups, waiting for a bottle once his bib is on, hats, lotion, fighting sleep, showers
Some of my favorite pics from the month

Sitting in his new Bumbo
First trip to the Oak Park mall- 11/14/13
First time grabbing his keys on his own, snoozing with mommy- 11/14/13
Story time with mommy before the KU game- 11/12/13
Cousin Cooper's 3rd Birthday Party
Being good at IHOP
Cutest little minion
Reading his Halloween card from Memaw and Papaw
Holding mommy's hand during drive back from Branson
To my little man-
You have been the greatest blessing to me and your daddy! We continually look at you in awe that you are really here and WE created you! You have filled a space in my heart I never knew was there and continue to amaze me everyday! Words can't describe the joy I feel when you look at me and smile... or turn your head to hear me talk... or when someone in a store comments on how much he loves his mommy... You put me over the moon and I feel so proud that I had a part (ok a HUGE part) in creating you. Watching you stare at your daddy and cuddle on his chest absolutely melts my heart. You adore him and can't wait for him to get home from work each day. You already show a stubbornness about you and a lack of patience that reminds me of myself. Everyone says you look like your daddy, and I completely agree. You have his ears which I always tease him about and his chin. But when you smile I have to disagree, I see me and that is the coolest thing! I can't forget that you totally have become a Papaw's boy as you can't get enough of him and love when he takes you on "runs" around the house or condo in Branson. I cannot wait to see how you change and grow and who you will become as a person. On second thought, I can wait... Don't grow up too fast little boy...

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